
Communication Design

Teach courses in communications, such as organizational communications, public relations, radio/television broadcasting, and journalism. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+1 %

Annual Wage Range

$50,998 – $214,067

Research, design, develop, or test electronic components and systems for commercial, industrial, military, or scientific use employing knowledge of electronic theory and materials properties. Design electronic circuits and components for use in fields such as telecommunications, aerospace guidance and propulsion control, acoustics, or instruments and controls.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+2 %

Annual Wage Range

$60,793 – $158,497

Design or configure wired, wireless, and satellite communications systems for voice, video, and data services. Supervise installation, service, and maintenance.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+2 %

Annual Wage Range

$69,821 – $164,609

Program Level:

Degrees, Certificates




Creative & Communication Arts



What is the Communication Design program?

The communication design program provides education and training in visual communications through traditional and digital graphic design course offerings. 

What will I learn?

The communication design program teaches how to solve graphic design problems by combining text and images to communicate messages to an audience. Students will learn to research, produce, and critique design projects. Creating a comprehensive portfolio of professional design projects is the final goal of the degree.

What can I do with this course of study?

Today’s Communication Design is part art and part technology. The objective of graphic design is to tailor specific messages and deliver them to target audiences, working with text and images that are static, moving, or interactive. Good Communication Design defines an audience, attracts attention, conveys a message, and motivates viewers to action.

What's special about the program?

The program’s facilities include three computer classrooms supported by Mac multimedia workstations and large format color printers. Qualified students may be eligible for scholarships and internship opportunities. Many students have also won local, national, and international design competitions.

Students will learn to research, produce, and critique design projects.

Communication Design (ARTC) Advisors:

Need help with registering for classes or help to decide which classes to take next semester? Contact your ARTC advisor and make an appointment today.

Joel Knocke

Brooke Rosser

Qing Liu


Contact Us

Dr. Jonathan Lee
Dean for Academic Success and
Acting Chair
FAB 309
(210) 486-1097

James Borrego
Program Coordinator for Media Arts
LRTF 114
(210) 486-1358

Connie Cobbs
Academic Unit Assistant
LRTF 110
(210) 486-1361